My Story

Dear Friend,

I am delighted to welcome you to my online sanctuary, where the spiritual intersects with the human experience. My name is Sergio Gomez, and I am a Mexican-American artist based in Chicago and Miami. As you explore my world of art, I want to share with you the story of my journey, one that has been shaped by passion, perseverance, and the pursuit of a profound mission.

Growing up in the bustling metropolis of Mexico City, I was surrounded by life's intricacies, but it wasn't until my freshman year of college that I had the privilege of meeting a practicing artist. This encounter opened my eyes to the possibility of a career in art. Over the next decade, I immersed myself in formal art education, focusing on the realms of painting and drawing, fueling my artistic fire.

Yet, upon completing my Masters in Art degree, I faced a pivotal question: What would I do with this newfound knowledge? Balancing the dream of creating art with the responsibilities of providing for my family, I found myself in the corporate world in a marketing agency, navigating a 9 to 5 job. While I gained invaluable insights into advertising and marketing and honed my skills in branding, I felt a void in my life—a longing for my true passion.

I continued to create art in my garage, despite my self-doubt and frustration. It was during these years, in the midst of the mundane, that I had a profound realization. To transform my life and career, I needed to take control and initiate change. I understood that repeating the same actions would only yield the same results. It was time for a transformation—a turning point.

In pursuit of this change, I enrolled in an MFA program at Northern Illinois University. I commuted 80 miles from Indiana to Illinois three times a week for 2.5 years, sacrificing weekends, family vacations, and social life. My determination was unwavering as I sought mentors and connected with fellow artists striving to advance in the art world. Eventually, I earned my MFA, opened 33 Contemporary Gallery, secured a curatorial role at the Zhou B Art Center, established a studio in Chicago, and had the privilege of collaborating with some of today's most accomplished artists.

Throughout this journey, I learned a fundamental truth: success begins by reframing situations as opportunities for growth. It's a matter of perspective, a mindset. The most accomplished artists are those who seize opportunities that may not have existed before.

Today, I firmly believe that a successful life in art is rooted in understanding what truly matters to us individually, rather than conforming to external expectations. My studio practice, curatorial work, gallery involvement, educating, and coaching all converge into one cohesive existence—a life in art. Currently, my focus is on giving back to the world through my coaching program, "The Artist NXT Level," where I assist fellow artists in navigating the challenging art journey.

When it comes to my studio work, my art is an intimate exploration of life's cyclical nature and our spiritual awareness throughout that journey. It has been my lifelong quest to unravel the intricate connections between our earthly existence and the realms beyond. If these ideas resonate with your own journey, I believe you will find a profound connection with my work.

I warmly invite you to explore the links on my website and delve into my world of art. Would you consider becoming one of my esteemed art collectors? Let go of the misconception that art is exclusively reserved for the wealthy—art is a gift meant for everyone. If you're curious to learn more about my art and how you can become a collector, I encourage you to register for my VIP List, where you'll receive valuable information.

Living with art is one of the most enlightening and culturally enriching gifts we can offer to humanity. I hope you'll join me on this journey, becoming a part of the tapestry of my artistic expression.

With heartfelt sincerity,

Sergio Gomez, MFA